The CPX is a most remarkable rig. Rigging Innovations was the first company to design a Classic Style and Accuracy piggyback system in 1989. That design, named the Talon Classic, was the first of 4 generations of S&A designs. The ergonomic designs developed for the CURV are perfectly suited for the larger canopy volumes needed for modern Accuracy canopies and the new low volume/bulk reserve canopies. The Bio Yoke harness concept, combined with the Bio Curv ergonomic back pad, provide an amazing degree of comfort and position on the back allowing for a more vertical suspension angle during the approach to the target. Choices of two different harness leg strap configurations, along with a variety of component design choices, allow for a personalized fit and feel for your individual accuracy techniques. The MOJO Mard is available as an option.

CPX "Fully Loaded" $3530.00
Container highlights
- Bio Curv backpad to “conform” to the curve of the human back.
- Main container pin protector flap secured with a magnetic closure system.
- The “Bio-Yoke” configuration to for greater over all support.
Harness highlights
- Suspends the jumper in the optimum position for the approach to the target.
- Design for better leg movement during the final approach.
- Stainless steel mini ring hardware standard
Bonus/accessories highlights
- Integrated hook knife
- "Sure-Grip" handles
- Swivel pilot chute
The container system must fit the canopies and the body of the jumper for maximum comfort and security. The CPX accuracy container system has a number of revolutionary changes that will change the way jumpers look at containers in the future.
The first is the contoured Bio Curv backpad shaping that allows for the container to “conform” to the curve of the human back.
This allows the containers to be held tighter and more comfortably to the back, keeping the containers from moving either up and down or sideways. The Bio Curv backpad also allows for additional volume in the main container while keeping the profile flatter and cleaner, extremely important in maintaining the fit and balance of the containers.
The second is the use of the Bio-Harness Yoke system originally developed by Airborne Systems for use on the Raider Advanced Ram-Air Parachute System designed by Sandy Reid. The “Bio-Yoke” configuration works similar to modern backpack designs, holding the containers higher on the back while distributing the weight evenly across the shoulders and upper back.
This reduces the perceived and real weight of the container system. Between the Bio-Yoke and the Bio Curv backpad, the fit and feel of the larger volume containers feel more like a smaller skydiving rig.
The Multi-Flex articulated harness design, originally designed and patented by Sandy Reid, has become the world standard for virtually all sport parachute harnesses. The new CPX configuration, utilizes a new leg strap configuration originally developed in conjunction with the Voodoo Curv.
This design has proven to be significantly more comfortable and more secure around the upper thigh allowing for better leg movement during the final approach.
The CPX accuracy harness and container system is the latest evolution of the Rigging Innovations Talon Classic first developed for the US Army Parachute Team Golden Knights in 1988. With major design input from Bill Jackson, the Talon Classic was the first piggyback system specifically designed to accommodate the large volume accuracy canopies and small to midsize ram air reserve canopies. RI continued to improve the system in 1995 as the Classic Pro and again in 2003 as the Classic Pro 3.0.
The time has come once more to advance harness and container technology needed for world class accuracy competition, and again RI has answered the call with revolutionary and innovative design concepts.
With 23 years of design and manufacturing experience of competition accuracy systems behind them, Rigging Innovations has again developed the ultimate harness and container system for world class accuracy skydiving competition.
As proven with the invention and adoption of the Articulated harness design which is now the standard in the world, the latest configurations of the CPX will set the standard for Accuracy skydiving harness and container systems for the foreseeable future.

TSO ImageThe TSO identification is located on the backpad, in the pullup cord pocket. Insert hand into the pocket and pull upward. The serial number, container size and date of manufacture are located on this label.
RI Harness Label
HarnessAll RI harnesses are identified with the date of manufacture and serial number located on the inside right rear reserve riser.
W: 11.00" T: 4.00" | OP99 Rmax 108 Speed 120 Smart 99 | Stiletto 97 Crossfire 89 |
W: 11.00" T: 4.75" | PD106 / OP113 Speed 135 Rmax118 Smart 110 / LPV 120 | Pilot 124 ZPX Pilot 117 Pulse 120 Safire 2 109 Spectre 120 Crossfire 99 Storm 120 Stiletto 107 Velo 90 Neos 89 |
W: 11.00" T: 4.75" | PD113 / OP126 RMAX 128 Smart 120 / LPV 135 | Pilot 132 ZPX Pilot 124 Pulse 135 Safire 2 119 Spectre 135 Crossfire 109/119 Storm 135 Stilletto 120 Velo 103 Katana 120 Neos 99 |
W: 11.00" T: 4.75" | PD126 / OP143 Rmax 138 Smart 135 / LPV 150 | Pilot 140 ZPX Pilot 132 Pulse 135 Safire 2 129 Spectre 135 Crossfire 2 119/129 Storm 135 Stiletto 135 |
W: 11.00" T: 5.50" | PD126 / OP143 Rmax 138 Smart 135 / LPV 150 | Pilot 150 ZPX Pilot 132/140 Pulse 150 Safire 2 139/149 Spectre 150 Crossfire 2 139/149 Storm 155 Velo 111 |
W: 11.00" T: 5.75" | PD143 / OP160 Rmax 148 Smart 150 / LPV 160 | Pilot 168 ZPX Pilot 150 Pulse 170 Safire 2 149 Spectre 170 Crossfire 2 149 Storm 170 Velo 120 |
W: 11.00" T: 6.25" | PD160 / OP176 Rmax 168 Smart 160 / LPV 175 | Pilot 188 ZPX Pilot 168 Pulse 190 Safire 2 169 Spectre 190 Crossfire 2 169 Storm 170 |
W: 11.00" T: 6.75" | PD176 / OP193 Rmax 188 Smart 175 / LPV 190 | Pilot 210 ZPX Pilot 188 Pulse 210 Safire 2 189 Spectre 210 Crossfire 2 189 Storm 210 |